Tzeentch hasn't really been one of the Chaos Gods that we hear much about these days. In the Days of Beardy Past, Flying Discs of Tzeentch and Sorcerers of Tzeentch abounded in the universe. Chaos Warriors and Champions of Chaos dedicated to Tzeentch were very popular, but as Nurgle and Khorne have increased in popularity, Tzeentch and Slaanesh have ebbed away. But no more, fellow traveller! Tzeentch is back in all it's long-legged birdy glory as the bad guy in the new Warhammer Quest Silver Tower game which is on pre-order this week. Probably more so than any other release we have seen for a while, this new game absolutely dominates this week's White Dwarf! Cover to cover it's Warhammer Quest Silver Tower and nothing else.... So with this total domination, is White Dwarf worth picking up? ++ More After The Jump ++ |
So I saw Warhammer Quest Silver Tower in store today and even assembled a few of the models. They are beautiful - weirdly constructed like the ones in Age of Sigmar, but really detailed and dynamic. There are two identical sprues of bad guys, single sprues for the heroes and the Gaunt Summoner (from memory). There are lots of tokens, pieces and cool purple dice. This really does seem like a game of heroes, and with the ability to take any hero from Age of $igmar into the game, this makes it very customizable. |
The Knight-Questor and Fyreslayer are certainly a step up from the normal troops of their respective factions, and the two Elf characters: the Tenebrael Shard and the Mistweaver Saih have their roots firmly in the Elven history, while subtley bringing in elements of each aspect to make the mish-mash that is the Age of $igmar Elves. The Darkoath Chieftain is not a hero as such, but a character with his own reasons for going into The Silver Tower.On the opposite end of the spectrum is the selfless Excelsior Warpriest who is there to bring Sigmar's Light and defeat the Gaunt Summoner.
On Tzeentch's side we have some really spectacular models lead by a Gaunt Summoner. There is already a single figure Gaunt Summoner available, and this one is just as good! He is helped out by some Familiars, which are a really nice magical touch with the return of some old favourites redone in plastic. I love the little Skeksis-like robed figure. Once we get passed the main cheese, it's onto the hechmen; the huge Ogroid Thaumaturge (which comes in many many pieces), the ubiquitous Horrors of various shades. the Grot Scuttlings (not sure about these...) the awesome Tzaangors and Kairic Acolytes which are really detailed and will hopefully be released separately. There's also the Skaven Deathrunner - finally a Skaven not enthralled with Nurgle!!
All in all these miniatures are really amazing in real life. To be fair, these paint jobs are excellent too, so hats off to Games Workshop for making these look so good.
There is also the novel being released next week. This is available on it's own or as part of a bundle with the game.
As bit of a primer to the game, have a look at this video below. It gives a really good walk through of how it all works and the perils you will encounter.
If you're not at all interested in the game, then skip the issue. There is nothing else for you here!
If you're into Age of $igmar or like the game aspects, then this will be interesting.
If you just like pretty pictures and cool looking miniatures, then this will also wet your whistle.