In books we have a few items actually, The Beast Arises: Volume 1 (which is an omnibus of the first four books and well worth a read!), Gotrek and Felix: The First Omnibus (which includes the first three William King Gotrek & Felix novels plus five additional short stories), Horus Heresy: Shattered Legions (which includes ten short stories including the novella The Seventh Serpent which revisits the ragtag crew of the starship Sisypheum) and Book 2 of the Dark Imperium trilogy Plague War.
It's a Made To Order week too with Galrauch (a Chaos dragon kit well over 30 years old), Throgg the ogre which is an amazing kit only let down by not having an army to lead, the Skaven Plague Lord Nurglitch and two Beastmen models - Morghur, Master of Skulls and Khazrak the One-eye.