I was over at the Faeit 212 blog today and they had an interesting piece of information about mini Codexes being available on the US web store. I checked the Australian one and nothing - but the UK have them too! These new mini Codex are approximately 15cm x 20cm which isn't that small, especially if you're carting around your books for rules and the like, but if you're looking at pictures these are pretty small! Another interesting thing is the price difference; Codex Space Marines is $49.99 (US) but Codex Imperial Knights is $33 (US). This is obviously to do with page count, but interesting they didn't just go with standard pricing and take a loss/ gain on the others. It also makes me wonder if the Codex for tablets aren't getting the dollars they were hoping for. This was supposed to be the brave new world of Codex viewing. Maybe people do like a good book! |