The latest expansion to Adeptus Titanicus The Defence of Ryza which promises not only the story of the Defence of Ryza, Legion-specific rules for six Titan Legions (Honorum, Osedax, Crucius, Magna, Vulturum and Mortis), and six Knight Houses (Sidus, Taranis, Zavora, Morbidia, Ioeden and Oroborn), but also official rules for creating your own Titan Legions, something fans have been trying to navigate around for some time. The new book also sees a new version of the Cerastus Knights, with the Acheron & Castigator box bringing more weapons options to the party. With new rules and minis come the The Defence of Ryza Stratagem Cards, which knowing Games Workshop they will discontinue next week! Away from Adeptus Titanicus for a moment, last week we didn't get the Runelord Brass spray for the Necrons, so here it is this week.
In books this week, it's the Profit's Ruin paperback version for fans of the Kharadron Overlords.