There has been a gaping chasm of knowledge in the lore of the WH40k universe when it comes to Volkite weaponry - how were they used? I mean as far as the Forge World revisionism goes, we know what they did and how they looked and something of the history, but in practical terms - how were they deployed tactically? This has come to the fore recently as I expand my force of War Hounds Space Marines. My force are placed in the Great Crusade and the Age of Strife, set quite a bit before the Horus Heresy when Volkite weapons were much more common in the ranks of the Space Marine Legions. Was the Volkite Caliver the Bolter of it's day in a Tactical Squad? It seems opinion is divided - so out of complete and utter frustration I went to Forge World for the answer... |
~ Further Clarification from Forge World in the Update Below ~
Hello there,
I was wondering if you might be able to help me please?
I am making a force of War Hounds Space Marines from the Great Crusade and Age of Strife era (I seem to be the only one by the look of the internet – very annoying) and I wondered if you might have the definitive answer on the Volkite Caliver.
Am I correct that it is the precursor to the Bolter or is the Volkite Charger the precursor to the Bolter in a Tactical Squad?
I assumed it went like this:
- Volkite Serpenta – (Bolt Pistol)
- Volkite Charger – (The Assault Squad Volkite Weapon)
- Vokite Caliver – (the precursor to the standard bolter carried by Tactical Squads)
- Volkite Culverin – (heavy weapon carried by Space Marine Heavy Support Squads)
I have been hitting up the forums for an answer to what to arm my Tactical War Hounds with... and there’s a lot of confusion as it’s not mentioned in the HH1: Betrayal book but the Charger is...!
Boiled down – what do my Tactical Squads get armed with?
Thanks so much for your time.
I’m sure you have a million emails with random questions, so thanks for answering mine.
Thank you from a Beardy in trouble!
Thank you for your email. The short answers is: Your Tactical Squads should be equipped with Bolters.
Tactical squads do not have the option within the current rules to be equipped with Volkite Weapons. In the Legions Histories the Volkite weapons were common before the Heresy but these were used alongside the more common early pattern Bolters. Volkite Weapons later fell from favour due to difficulties in manufacturing the arcane weapons. Whilst they were previously more common, as complex Martian technology they were always less numerous than Bolters and generally employed by specialist squads rather than Tactical squads.
I have to say this doesn't ring true to me - the Wiki makes more sense and is far more interesting.
I will however abide by their ruling and you will soon see Bolters in my War Hounds force... but it's kind of a bit sad frankly!
On further reading, I do notice they say "current rules" and I think they missed the bit about "Great Crusade era".
They also didn't answer if the Caliver or the Charger was a Bolter equivalent.
Dammit - the question may never be answered!
What are your thoughts on Volkite Weapons in Tactical Squads - and is the Caliver or the Charger the Bolter equivalent of it's day?
~ Major Update ~
[Props to the Social Media arm of Forge World BTW. They are every responsive and helpful]
So in the world of fluff which hasn't been explored fully (and why would that era be explored really?) there is no definitive answer.
I have asked for clarification re the Caliver/ Charger as standard arms for Tactical Squads and await a response.
Big thanks to Forge World for being so helpful on this especially since they don't actually service a game set in this time period.