If you've been following the ongoing Project War Hounds section of this site you would have seen the evolution of War Hounds from one picture in the Horus Heresy Book 1 Betrayal, to a force which over all I'm pretty happy with colour scheme-wise. The one official picture we have is of a Veteran, so back tracking to the rank and file has been an adventure. The War Hounds later became the World Eaters, but were actually very different from the World Eaters apart from their reputation for brutal suppression... and that whole loyalty thing! Working on the Tactical War Hounds, the backbone of any Great Crusade era army, has meant some deviation from the official picture and even completing the sergeant today made me make some adjustments to the Marine I had already done... |
I wanted him to be very Tactical, so I opted for the Bolter to create that 30K gun line feel.
I took extra care with the armour plates considering his rank.
I added a small amount of white to the backpack which stops the big block of blue that was happening.
here is the sergeant next to one of his men. I also fixed the tactical symbol on the others guy's shoulder.
Initially I only had the "XII" on the shoulder pad of Veterans, but I liked it so much I managed to just squeeze them on this guy too.
All in all, I think the change makes a big difference and I'm much happier with the overall look of the normal War Hounds Space Marine.
My thought is that as they get higher in rank they add more white to their backpacks.
I do still want to retain the original dark blue of the World Eaters as seen in the original Epic game and accompanying artwork from many moons ago.