Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant leads the list, a mist have for all hobbysists, surely, there's also the Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig, the highly thematic Abhorrant Archregent, the air-guitar playing Warlock Bombardier, Vokmortian Master of the Bone-tithe, and the super odd Druanti the Arch-Revenant. There's also Warcry cards for Sylvaneth, Stormcast Eternals Sacrosanct Chamber, Blades Of Khorne Bloodbound, Blades of Khorne Daemons, Maggotkin of Nurgle Rotbringers, Maggotkin of Nurgle Daemons, Hedonites of Slaanesh and the mighty Seraphon (hurry up with new minis, dammit!!!).
Previous darling of the Community, Necromunda, is busily expanding existing gangs, with new Stimmers and Forge-born for the Goliaths. Now I have to say this - these minis (especially the Stimmers) look so different from the previous Goliaths, these may not fit in that well. Have a look at the faces and the body types - these are far less cartoony. The Forge-born are awesome, even if they do look like they're falling over! These minis re out to coincide with the new Necromunda book House of Chains, which is apparently all the background and expanded fluff, special rules (including the Slave Ogryn Gang) every Goliath player needs to read in between reps and bench presses. The book also sees the re-release of the Goliath Gang Tactics Cards, now called Second Edition.
Forgotten, lost in the wastes of space - somewhat like it's namesake Blackstone Fortress - the latest expansion, No Respite is pretty disappointing. Three Plague Marines they couldnt give away and were on Last Chance To Buy for ages, and some zombie cannon fodder. Not up to the standard of previous boxes.
Adeptus Titanicus has had a weird relationship with the very important Titan Command Terminals, often going into Last Chance To Buy or Sold Out within week of release. Well there they are back again, but with all the Titans now catered for in one pack - the Adeptus Titanicus Titan Command Terminals.
Middle Earth keeps up the pace with some more minis, Gorbag and Shagrat, the excellent Mordor Uruk-hai, Orc Shaman on Warg, Boromir Captain of the White Tower, Bard Hero of Laketown and the core cast of The Hobbit in The Champions of Erebor.
Next week is also White Dwarf 451 (notice back to numbers and not the monthly naming convention) - still miss the weekly version of this magazine! More targeted content and less filler.