Warhammer 40K sees the conclusion of the Octarius War with Critical Mass which includes rules for Blood Axes Orks, Rogue Trader crews, and the Speed Mob Army of Renown. Rules for Rogue Trader crews is really interesting, its a pity it's stuck in this book and not it's own supplement. War Zone Octarius: Book 2 – Critical Mass comes in Collector's Edition and Standard Edition, plus there's also a set of Critical Mass Dice.
The Necromunda Weapons & Upgrades continue to roll out, this time with Cawdor. From what I've seen most people seem to use Cawdor to convert into other things (like Skitarii) so be interesting to see how these go. Must admit we're very keen for an Enforcers Weapons & Upgrades set!
Like Warcry, Blood Bowl adds another layer to the world of Warhammer Age of $igmar, this week adding the second Khorne team - The Skull-tribe Slaughterers - to the ranks. The first is of course the venerable Chaos Chosen Doom Lords. THis new Khornate team sees the addition of Khorne Team Dice, a Team Card Pack plus the very skull-adorned Khorne Team Double-sided Pitch and Dugouts Set. The next edition of Spike! Journal is out too, with Issue 13 (13 for Khorne, how appropriate) out next week.
The last mini release for this week is the Da Red Gobbo and Bounca, all Xmas-ed up and ready to bounce down your chimney and into your heart! The Red Gobbo also has a new novel out this week with Da Gobbo's Revenge in hardback.
In other book news, Space Wolves focused The Wolftime is coming in Special Edition and paperback,
Marvel: Warhammer 40,000 Sisters of Battle Comic #3 is coming next week, and last but not least is the Black Library Advent Calendar 2021 packed with 24 lovely black library prints.