Warhammer: Visions has a brilliant opportunity to be the heart and soul of the hobby, but in the past (as we discuss each month) has at times let the side down. Bad photography, rehashed content - it's been at times disappointing - but today it looks like some of those issues have disappeared. This may mark the change of Warhammer: Visions into it's own entity, but more on that later. So what's inside this month? There's the usual New Releases section, but this month (happily) there are a lot of new images. This is quite a change and done very well. There's also a huge Skaven army, some brilliant reader models, a much improved Golden Demon section, an End Times model showcase plus more. + + More After The Jump + + |
New Releases
Troops and Transport
Army Of The Month
Parade Ground
Parade Ground - Golden Demon Modeno
This month however we get some brilliant photography - so many detail shots and close ups - just have a look at that Eldar mech and the great shading on the Orcs.
This is the best they have done in the Golden demon section and if it continues like this then we're in for a real treat, especially if they choose to highlight the models from this weekend's Heresy Weekender.
In The Spotlight - Martin Waller
All up it's a great looking warband an worth a look.
My only real criticism is the same as always - where are the modelling articles? Where are the alternate colour schemes? Where are the WIPs and conversion workshops?
For me that is the only thing missing from Warhammer: Visions these days.
It's certainly come a long way and Games Workshop should be patted on the back for it, but here's hoping they take the next leap and make this a true hobby magazine!