I must admit, I'm kind of surprised that Warhammer Visions has lasted two years. I admit we've been pretty critical, and I don't think unfairly, about the content or lack there of at times. Warhammer Visions was going to be the hobbyists magazine, a monthly read with lots of great photos and articles all about the hobby rather than the rules. As we know, it didn't turn out that way and after many many months of trying to give constructive criticism, we gave up and just accepted it for what it was - a picture book that recycled images from White Dwarf with other (sometimes badly photographed) images from various competitions around (mainly) Europe. Well happy birthday, Warhammer Visions. As a picture book you include pictures in you. As a magazine for hobbyists you've consistently let us down by actually delivering very little or nothing at all. Has it had it's high points? Absolutely - BUT they are high points on a sloping scale. As they say, expect the worst... + + More After The Jump + + |
We used to do an exhaustive look at each issue, but there seems to be less and less to say, so here it is with brief notes to take you through.
If you disagree with our take on Warhammer Visions, be more than happy to discuss it or even give you a much better look each month, but from what we're hearing, there is little love for the magazine out there.