Instead of rushing it, I decided to take a bit of time, try some new things with techniques and also so the first real scenic base for my War Hounds.
As mentioned previously, the look of the War Hounds has been evolving from the one drawing in the Horus Heresy Book 1, and now being bale to do an officer, I think this scheme and the way they would do markings are now fully evolved in my mind.
There's been a lot of conversion on this model, but it ties in, so it's hard to see - the cape at the back covered up the largest conversion - the Stormcast shin armour. Below is a breakdown of the mini, done in the three sub-assemblies.
The mix of metallics was a bit of trial and error, but seems to be about right. His shoulder pad heraldry is unusual for a War Hound, but for a Praetor it needed to be. Was going to go reversed colours with the rampant hound, but decided that was too much red. The Red Scorpions studded shoulder really makes it I think - it's unique. The Stormcast shins were a test really, having used the front, but cut the backs off the add the plastic MKIII calves and then adding new studs to make it more dynamic. The face is from a Veteran, and is washed and then blended, while the scars got their own wash and highlight.
Scenic Base
War Hounds Legion Praetor Farrar KerRis
The colours on the Praetor are very simple - bronze for rank, silver studs to make him stand out from the rest of his troops - even veterans - the dirty white, blue with the subtle highlight and two tones of red; the crimson red for the War Hounds bits and a brighter red for the purity seals. The orange of the enemy helmet and markings on the base are to contrast with the blue which give it an alien feel.
Overall this was an experiment that I think adds to the army, which - despite being critical of my work - I'm really proud of actually. Now... maybe I need to flesh out what the enemy look like!?