Having a look across this shot, most everything seems to be there, but there are some noticeable absences:
The Mortarch kits are not there, even though Arkhan the Black is available in the Start Collecting Skeleton Horde. You could get all three though in the rather pricey Fate of Shyish bundle.
Apart from the Terrorgheist kit (which also contains Zombie Dragon and Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist kit) and Corpse Cart all of the Webstore Exclusive are not in this list.
The Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade and Skeleton Warriors (5 models) are also missing - but one of the kits that surprises us and could be a hint of what's to come are the Zombies. This is a very old kit, not in keeping with any of the current kits in the Warhammer line.
With Games Workshop hinting at some new Death kits, it seems like maybe we'll see some zombies, maybe in the style of the Poxwalkers but hopefully more poseable.