It's week two of the Dwarf Fyreslayers release window and this week White Dwarf has wheeled out the big gun - the Fyreslayers Magmadroth combi-kit - and it's cool! (Well not technically "cool" because it's all flamey and stuff, but you get my drift!) You may remember last week when the thought of flapping loin clothes revealing ginger fury to a horrified enemy became all-prevailing. Well you'll be happy to know that this week the introduction of the Magmadroth kit has brought a little respect back to the Fyreslayers. Although most of this issue is taken up with this release, there are other features including a look at the new Forge World decals (including a surprise for Salamanders fans), and a pretty decent Paint Splatter which looks at the Magmadroth and how to paint flame style colours which do look amazing! So - is this issue worth buying? + + More After The Jump + + |
The first is the Auric Runefather on Magmadroth - the head of any Fyreslayers Lodge and a mighty warrior.
Meanwhile, Nagash and his forces of Death are being trotted out as the main adversary for the Fyreslayers, so here's a look at some of the forces of Death you can buy... now in Age of $igmar packaging.
There's also a Fyreslayers book which includes four stories of pure ginger fury!
On the decal sheet for the Solar Auxilia are markings for the Saturnyne Rams, one of the foundation Solar Auxilia units which were raised on Saturn (and surrounding satellite worlds). Now the odd thing is that the Saturnyne Rams was also the name given to the Salamanders Space Marines (above right) before they were united with their Primarch and changed their name. So if you look closely at the decal sheet, you could probably make these Space Marines using those markings - bit of a bonus if you are looking to do Salamanders in the early Great Crusade.
Man I hate this colour scheme! It's so boring, so washed out and not striking at all! YAWN
Pot of Paint vs. White Dwarf?
White Dwarf