You know its going to be a random White Dwraf issue when they have a long list on the front telling you what is in the issue, it's pretty easy to decode though: - Brand-New Warscrolls (Like every week...) - A Mighty Seraphon Army (A very cool fan army) - Demons of Khorne (Out of place so must be an ad) - Corvus Corax (There's a page of Forge World stuff) - Raven Guard Dark Fury Assault Squad (maybe 2 pages) It's not exactly earth shattering now is it, and really if that's the best they can offer, then you kind of get the feeling of this issue. No talk of conversions or tutorials, no exciting new fluff, or even a short story - all of these used to be regular parts of White Dwarf. Admittedly it was monthly, but it would be really nice to have some of those things back, especially on a week when we're only getting two little ginger dudes. + + More After The Jump + + |
The Grimwrath Berzerker, apart from having amazing eyeliner, is the deadliest of their kind. He's a tough veteran with possibly the coolest helmet so far!
The Battlesmith is not only the standard bearer, but also a skilled artisan who has forged before having the honour of carrying it into battle.
This is also the first time we have seen the new faction name for the Beastmen - Brayherds - and the Dragon Ogres as Thunderscorn!
You sneaky red bastards - they get everywhere when you least expect it, but with an ad/ article later in this issue for the New Year New Army that focuses on the Khorne Demons, are we surprised to see this here?
In the world of books, the 544-page hard cover collecting 11 stories from the Horus Heresy is here in the form of War Without End.
The interwebs seem to be going nuts over this Corax miniature right now. For me it's okay, very finely done but a bit of a yawn frankly. There is some amazing Corax artwork on the cover of Deliverance Lost which personally I prefer, but whatever floats your boat.
Pot of Paint vs. White Dwarf?
Pot of Paint For Me.