What is this Warhammer you speak of? Well having White Dwarf being almost entirely dominated by WH40K since it's relaunch (apart from those 400 weeks of Dwarves releases) one is left to ask if Warhammer is being prioritised in any way by Games Workshop. Well - hush your mouth, because there's a shakeup on the way in the shape of a rather expensive Necromancer! Nagash is here and if you believe the hype - you are screwed! But it's not just The End of Times this week, there's also the pre-order for the Talon of Horus and... well I'll be honest, this is really all about Nagash and boy do they stress that things are changing! It's not subtle - they hit you in the face with it over and over again. As an aside - this may be the first cover they've used Instagram or the like on. Have a look at the model and compare to the cover. Totally Hipster Nagash! + + More After The Jump + + |
I am not a photographer, so expect dodgy pictures below
Now this is an interesting tome - 296 pages of back story and world setting. You'd have to think that if you gamed in the Warhammer world, you would need to read this!
It's also confirmed in here that Nagash is not only fielding the Vampire Counts army - but also the Tomb Kings forces following his defeat of Settra.
In an effort to defeat Chaos and bring them into line with his world view, Nagash enlists the nine mighty beings known as the Mortachs. We've already seen previews on these online and they're awesome!
Kislev has been crushed by the undead horde led by Vlad von Carstein and the Empire is just holding on thanks to the Valten the Champion of Sigmar.
Meanwhile Nagash is heading south to reclaim his Black Pyramid and defeat his bitter enemy Settra and take his Tomb King forces as his own.
Indeed it's not just the kingdoms of men and the forces of evil that have issues here - the great Lizardmen Mage Priest Mazdamuni has arisen and "gives a single command that will echo through the ages", the Elves (both dark and light) are under siege from daemons, and the Ogres are on the march - all of them!
Seems pretty epic, in fact a time for heroes, and the new rules allow 50% of your army cost to be on Lords. The Empire will certainly need them by the sound of it!
This Battle Report isn't actually half bad. It ties into the narrative well (obviously or it wouldn't be in there) and certainly gives you an idea of what a 1,000 point model can do.
This would actually be handy, especially for the spirits! Also, notice they left out a step on the armour.. Step 1 is actually Step 2! Guess they had to squeeze it in...
Now this has obviously been in design stages for a long time as the date on the drawing is January last year (2013)! Also notice his lack of legs in the sketch...
You'd have to say that Martin Footitt has done an amazing job on the sculpt - the whirling spirits, the tattered fabric, the banner top that is sort of Tomb Kings and sort of not. It all ties in.
Later on they advise sub-assemblies, which looking at the swirling spirits is a good idea. It's a great looking model, but I'd hate to try and paint it. Think it's above my skill level.
If you're into Warhammer you will need to get on board this because it looks like it's here to stay for a while and pretty hard to ignore, especially if any enemy can summon the dead into their force!
ANY wizard can now do this - be warned!
Oh, and just buy this issue. It's fun to get excited!