The release of new Chaos came pretty quickly, and although it's a Troop and Hero release this week - who knows what might be coming!? Nurgle are spreading from the wild North of the Warhammer universe and encroaching on Nagash's new gotten gains. There's a war a-coming and woe betide those who stand in the middle! The main focus of White Dwarf #37 is the new Nurgle Putrid Blightkings, a multi-part kit of 5 fairly unattractive Nurgle warriors. They're big and ugly and really not something you'd want anywhere near your nicely dressed troops! Also in this issue, Nurgle Champion, Gutrot Spume, and a whole lot of Nurgle stuff. There's also some new books and a Primarch from Forge World.... - + + More After The Jump + + ~ WARNING - I am not a photographer, so expect dodgy pictures below. |
Games Workshop say that these are multi-part and the sprues look pretty packed, with 11 different torsos and 17 different heads to choose from. Like most recent kits, these aren't multi-part in the true sense of the word - they want you to build them a certain way (effectively you can build each one in two different poses) which is kind of a shame. True multi-part would be amazing, the Space marine kits are testament to that!
Here's a better look at it (below) from later in the issue
There's an article that concentrates on teaming up a mate's army with your's which is okay. More of an overview of the Battle Brothers event back in July. | Paint Splatter doesn't exactly rock the world here. It looks at Nurgle Putrid Blightkings and how to paint grossness. Some nice tips here for the skin! |
The added pieces on Black Library and another lacklustre Forge World section are disappointing. Considering the recent unveiling at a number of the Forge World events, the inclusion of some pics might be good, plus the recent release of the new Tau battle suit seemed much better options than Vulkan!
Come on guys - step the frakk up!!