Warhammer continues to dominate the Games Workshop universe this week, with the release of The Glottkin - a mighty kit emphasising Nurgle's truly putrid power of pestilence and decay. The Glottkin is actually 3 brothers "gifted" by Nurgle so they could get revenge on the Emprie troops that killed who parents. Interesting how the back stories rarely put the Empire or humanity in a positive light! This issue is almost entirely dominated by Warhmmer and Nurgle with lots of information on the world and how it is truly under seige - to the point where Nagash is sending his troops to bolster the fragile human defenders against Chaos! There's also a few books, including Imperial Armour #13 - but this week is all about the hazmat suit! - + + More After The Jump + + ~ WARNING - I am not a photographer, so expect dodgy pictures below. |
The kit looks epic, but as epic always has a price, it is $152 AUD...
This is a really cool pic, only slightly ruined by the base around The Glottkin being roughly photoshopped.
The upcoming Fall of Altdorf sounds pretty epic and this preview tells us a lot about the upcoming events and how the story is going to pan out - not well by the sound of it!!
There's also a pretty loose look at Warhammer: Visions and Imperial Armour 13: Special Edition.
The Death To The World gives you an idea of who else is being assailed - from Dark Elves to Lizardmen.
In a week where there is really only one pre order, I do wonder if this battle report may have been extended to fill space though.
If you're not interested in Warhammer and the events surrounding it - this is not the issue for you.
They are truly excellent - BUY THEIR CDS - you won't be sorry!!