First of all - apologies for the lateness of this post - the world has conspired against me. Sometimes life just gets in the way! Which considering the topic of today's White Dwarf - the Blood Angels who are all about glorious death - is oddly ironic. This week's White Dwarf if very much about Shield of Baal: Deathstorm, part 2 in the Shield of Baal campaign which is marked with a limited edition boxed set of rules and miniatures.. We saw this last with the Sanctus Reach: Stormclaw, which sold very well. I'm kind of surprised this hasn't sold out already... Also in this issue there are new Hobbit miniatures, a Deathstorm battle report, Codex Apocrypha deals with the Necrons plus the new Iron Warriors Contemptor and another Flesh Tearers book - I tell you, these guys are going to be important!! - + + More After The Jump + + |
Captain Karlean, Master of the Blood Angels First Company and the Spawn of Cryptus
Captain Karlean is a tad ordinary really. The lack of detail on his head is a bit of a bummer, but the rest of him is okay. He's certainly covered in enough Blood Angels livery. | The Spawn of Cryptus is a pretty nice model, sporting a prominent horn on it's forehead and perched atop the remains of a fellow Tyranid. Not mad on the colour scheme, but a great looking miniature. |
Also this week is the Deathstorm novella and another in the line of Flesh Tearers novels, this time the Flesh of Cretaria PLUS a new book Space marine Battles: Visions of War which is a hardback collection of artwork from the Space Marine Battles novels.
Again Forge World seem to have missed the mark this week, showing us the Iron Warriors Contemptor and the Horus Heresy Book IV when just days ago the Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section were released. Seems like a waste! | And here we have the obligatory introduction to the Blood Angels for those not familiar with them. Can I just say, this article was uninteresting and very surface. There's nothing new here and the language used doesn't convey the darkness necessary. |
The Codex Apocrypha on Necrons is not bad and with rumours of a relaunch early next year quite timely.
Not tonnes else to say really. I would have hoped for as better look at the Blood Angels and their Successor Chapters, but maybe that's coming soon. This week would have been better though.