The Harlequins release is a really interesting one considering the two other "Space Elves" are not the most popular armies out there. The Eldar and the Dark Eldar are both great looking but niche armies. Imperial Guard and Space marines, Orks and Tau all have large universes that you can ply and invent in, while the others are smaller, especially the Eldar - so why add another faction and will it work? This week's White Dwarf of course doesn't answer any of these questions, BUT you do get a tonne of pretty pictures and a heck of a lot of information! Games Workshop have recently started to add a lot more information to White Dwarf that isn't sales related - fluff & rules are starting to be as important and this is the real key to reading value. But there's not just Harlequins this week... + + More After The Jump + + |
There's some really beautiful detail in the transport section of this version and really adds some character to the army. You can imagine the Harlequins falling into the ranks of the hapless Imperial Guard.
I have a horrible feeling i'll be buying some of these for my Eldar pirates...!
... explaining how they travel between the craftworlds and the domain of their dark kin, and how, in the dying days of the 41st millennium, more Eldar are drawn to join their ranks.
There are whispers of a big event coming in May, some say The End Time for 40K, so are these some of the first portents? If the Eldar are flocking to fight Chaos, something must be going down!
Mind you I did notice almost an entire wall of unsold datacards at my local GW today. How long will they be around if they are just sitting on the shelves?
Always good to keep an open mind with these things, but as far as contents goes Warriors of the Laughing God covers the Masques of the Midnight Sorrows, Frozen Stars, Dreaming Shadows and Veiled Path.
Meanwhile the obligatory novel is here - this time it's The Carnac Campaign compilation of novellas, plus a new audio drama (well two actually!!) with Path of the Forsaken and Howl of the Banshee.
If only I could think of a scheme to paint them in...
Both great models and beautifully painted - have a look at those bases!