The phrase "most anticipated" gets thrown around a lot, and certainly in this community it gets stuck on just about everything from Kickstarters to paint brushes! Well Games Workshop have really hit it out of the park this time by not only taking what would seem on the surface a fairly esoteric army and putting it in the limelight. Forge World's success with the Mechanicus range seemed to good to be true for GW, so they took a mighty leap into the Mechanicus camp with these very nice looking miniatures, the Skitarii and support walkers. As I said earlier this week, this is a return to form for the Skitarii who in more recent times have become like something almost akin to Servitors. A far cry from their earlier status as brave human warriors! So this week's White Dwarf spends a considerable amount of time and page space to the Skitarii, rightly so for an army that some players may never have heard of! Considering the pretty rough releases for Khorne, then amount off effort and skill that has gone into these guys is almost an indictment on the fact that GW CAN do quality product! |
In and of themselves not unusual for a major release, but what is interesting, in Australia at least, neither were included on the "Pre Orders" section of the Games Workshop website either as a normal Pre Order or as part of the Skitarii range. I know because I would have ordered them this morning if I'd known!
Sharing a great many parts with the Skitarii Vanguard, this is the other option in the dual kit box. The rather unusual main armament is the Galvanic Rifle, a very archaic armament, but adds to the steampunk look.
The Sydonian Dragoon is my favourite, a "knight" mounted on top of this large bipedal walker with a human symbiotic pilot/ engine. Creepy? Yes! An amazing design? YES!
You can imagine units of these stalking across the battlefield around the feet of Warlord Titans! Will be really interesting to see this next to the Imperial Knight as a size comparison. That Imperial Knight is starting to look smaller and smaller!
As mentioned before, Martian Ironearth and Leadbelcher Spray are also out next week. The Leadbelcher Spray is apparently limited, so grab it while it's... oh wait it's gone! * JOKE * Come on - work with me people!!
there's a few little bits and bobs in here, but not the highlight of the issue... unfortunately!
In earlier issues of this incarnation of White Dwarf we saw a lot of individual creators get the limelight, not so anymore it seems...
The breakdown of the Skitarii tech is interesting. Probably a touch over explained, but interesting if you need a road map to get to the local shops.
In a bit of a plot twist, the Explorator Fleets get a bit of a write up here too. I wonder if we will soon see Rogue Trader and retinue miniatures heading our way? There seems to be a bit of a buzz around :fleets" these last 6 months or so. I still say Battlefleet Gothic is on the way back!
So short and sweet?
Buy this issue. Pretty pictures, a fair bit to read. Go on. I won't tell!!