It's been a big release week with the Skitarii getting the Rangers/ Vanguard kit and the Ironstrider walker kit, thus the lateness of this White Dwarf review. The Adeptus Mechanicus are a mysterious and arcane organisation with many wonders and horrors at their disposal. In the week's White Dwarf we get a look at just a few more with the Sicarian Infiltrators/ Sicarian Ruststalkers kit and Codex up for pre-order, but it's not all dudes in red! White Dwarf also has Miniature of the Year (which frankly seems like a filler in this issue!), some really good background on the Skitarii and their weapons, plus a half decent Paint Splatter which although not breaking new ground, certainly has some handy little tips! + + More After The Jump + + |
Have Games Workshop run out of names? "Sicarian" seems awfully close to "Sicaran" the tank made by Forge World. Surely they saw this coming...
Are we going to be seeing "Eltramarines" soon? Or maybe "Skervan". Dudes... really!!
Anyway, these bucket heads are one of his many doodlings come to life.
Overall they share almost off of the components of the alternate build in the kit, the Ruststalkers, apart from the swords and the heads - the Infiltrators have guns!
The appearance of the Mechanicus axe-dude brings back memories. Some of those in plastic, please!!
The original Skitarii that were attached to Titan Orders were big on them, so it looks like they're not lost forever! These guys look cool!
Outside of those, the miniature of the year is disappointing considering they do a 4 page spread on an army that is also in Warhammer: Visions this week.
If you're not into Mechanicum, then this is an issue you can miss.