That being said it may have backfired because the buzz on the Devastators has not been as intense as you'd expect, especially for a Space Marine release!
This week's White Dwarf, interestingly isn't dominated by their release though, instead it's all about Codex: Space Marines.
With no fewer than 8 versions of the Codex to buy you'd better hope business was being drummed up.
This week's White Dwarf is very much dominated by Space Marines, but aimed at the knowledgeable hobbyist AND the newbie with articles on markings and force structure!
So, do you think you NEED this issue?
+ + More After The Jump + +
Well if that's your thing you will be happy to know the new Devastators are posed perfectly for the job!
The design of the legs is a throwback to the 90s when Devastators had extra armour around their ankles to absorb the shock of their weapons. Considering this latest look though, you could imagine Iron Hands hobbyists would be rabid over these. We get a good look at the new kit on these four pages plus an article tagged on the back about Space Marine armour.
You will save money buying them this way though - in Australia it's $24.
Also out next week are the books; "Asurmen" about the first of the Phoenix Lords and "Plague Harvest" pitting Doom Eagles and Death Guard in combat over an agri-world.
The Codex itself does seem to be pretty packed with stuff, in fact 200 pages worth.
There is information on White Scars markings, the Salamanders' Chapter structure, heraldry of the Space Marine Chapters and lots more. Also launched in this Codex is the Gladius Strike Force Detachment and 12 other formations. I'm umming and ahhing over this, Not sure, but it's well worth a look that's for sure!
I think most people are across this, but it's cool to read even in it's simplified language.
The explanation of the Codex Astartes and ranks displayed as helmet colours is quite nice and give some extra information on Company Champions too.
Then it's onto the Demi-Company. Don't fancy painting 100 Marines to form your Company? Well how about 50 and some Command dudes? That's a Demi-Company. Cool idea...
Not pictured here is a very small piece that celebrates the ability of Iron hands to be allied to Adeptus Mechanicus forces.
From the rumours out there this is going to be very interesting indeed!
For Warhammer 40k players or hobbyists this is a nice refresher without the hard sell that is so present in a lot of the articles in White Dwarf.
Give it a look...
Unboxing The Space Marine Assault Squad + +