With Warhammer The Age of Sigmar taking the lion's share of the spotlight at the moment, it will be interesting to see how long Games Workshop will keep White Dwarf being dominated by it. Again this week, White Dwarf is 99% Age of Sigmar with the exception of the Forge World section and some books for pre-order. It's also interesting to see that despite the scenery being released this week that there isn't more of it in this issue, especially for the price - but more on that in our Baleful Realmgate Review. Not only is the issue dominated by Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop are holding new releases very close to their chest with no hints or teasers in this issue at all - and considering what they cover, that is strange AND clever. So - what's new in the Age of Sigmar? + + More After The Jump + + |
These guys come in at the same price as the Stormcast guys released the other week which as I said then, I think, is too high for what they are. There were some great points made by others in the comments section and yes, it does seem that Games Workshop's geographic pricing is more to blame.
On the whole these are imposing miniatures, and nice to see White Dwarf moving a little bit away from the gold for some of the shots. That blue/ green of the Celestial Vindicators is awesome.
The banner between it's legs BTW is a throwback to Jes Goodwin's original vision shown in WD #!20
Not only is there writing - there's also a pretty map showing the incursion (great word!) of Sigmar''s forces.
Not only is this the largest force in terms of the warrior's size, but also probably the one with the worse body odour. I know Nurgle would be disgusting, but can you imagine the smell of the Ogors? We are talking so A-grade stinky sweaty dudes. You could smell them coming!!
The shots on these Warscrolls are really good!
Maybe that's how to get that colour so brilliant?!
(EDIT: Despite having read the article twice so I could steal this scheme for some Dark Eldar, I completely missed the bit where they actually do mention using the now discontinued Macragge Blue spray.
Thanks to Bryan for pointing that out)
The Mortal Realms article is kind of a rehash of earlier articles but a bit more advanced in the timeline and the force organisation for the Stormhosts is pretty important if you are force building.