With the last month being completely taken up with Sigmar's forces in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, we finally get a look at some of the forces of Chaos - the Bloodreavers! Having seen the awesome miniatures in the boxed set I had pretty high hopes for this multi-part kit, and in some ways it delivers, other ways it really doesn't... Issue 80 has a few other interesting articles including how the Stormcast Eternals are made, live, fight and die. This is surprisingly in depth and ushers in some of the Realmgate Wars story dynamics. This may have been covered elsewhere, but having not bought the big book, this was a first for me. Armies on Parade 2015 gets an update which is a nice surprise. Last time White Dwarf kind of dropped the ball on this section so here's hoping it will get a healthy update each week, Always good inspiration. So - is this issue worth buying? Do you NEED it? + + More After The Jump + + |
This multi-part kit (as I said earlier) was much anticipated here because lets face it, the last Khorne offerings were absolutely awful! Unfortunately though, these guys do have an element of that design to them; the arms don't look quite right and the torsos look too squat and thick. The heads however look great (bottom right) ! There is lots of variety and tonnes of spares! These guys look great with their two-handed weapons, but there is something not quite right about how the single weapons arms sit. Have a look and see what you think. The price on these is interesting - you get 20 of these guys for the cost of 5 Paladin Protectors!
PLUS, for the first time that I know of in GW Chaos releases we also get a black Khorne follower! He looks great too. Years ago when there was the first black bad guy in G.I. Joe there was a bit of an uproar, but here's hoping we see some more of these types of paint jobs!
Next week also sees the release of the new Gav Thorpe book about Asurmen (how do you pronounce that? Ass-oo-men? Ass-ermen) which has a very cool cover!
Eternal Crusader also gets a look in and revolves around Black Templars doing things and stuff.
Has the lustre of the Black Templars worn off a bit or is it just me?
Forge World bring us a look at the latest Primarch to hit the beach this summer in a fetching one-piece with built in bling. Just the thing for any Zone Mortalis situation.
There's lots of background on how these guys are recruited, how the different Eternal armies personalities work (not unlike Space Marine traits) and what happens when they "die". Worth a read!
The Chosen of Sigmar section on the Stormcast Eternals has lots of info, but as I said earlier this might have bene published elsewhere. There seems to be a lot of repetition these days.
Here's hoping next week has some armoured Khorne guys... and they rock!