Ever since we first saw the Blood Warriors in the Age of Sigmar Boxes Set, they have become the favourite of many of us. The new take on Khorne Berserkers was a big update to the older look and the thought of having multi-part multi-pose versions was pretty exciting. Well this week in White Dwarf we get to learn and see a lot more, and it's good! Not only is there the Blood Warriors, there is also the huge release; the Chaos Dreadhold - and by huge, it's not only a big release, it's physically large too! There hasn't been a castle for many years and this Chaos-branded one is certainly incredibly detailed but also a challenge to painters everywhere with a lot do be done. Time will tell if this is a Games Workshop kit or one of the Chinese manufactured ones that aren't really of the same quality. From the sprue shots it's looks like standard GW product which is a relief. Is this issue worth getting, or like last week, is paint better value? + + More After The Jump + + |
There's ten of these blighters in the kit and they're priced similarly to the rest of the Age of Sigmar releases - still a better deal than the Stormcast Eternal sets though! At least you get ten in this box!
The poses seem pretty dynamic apart from a pretty boring guy with straight legs... there's two of those in the kit. For me the heads are the real triumph of this set. A really big improvement on the old ones and full of the kind of menace we expect from Khorne!
This this is massive and very very smartly, Games Workshop have made this modular - something EVERYONE would want.
Not only can you buy the elements seen here, you can also by whole sections and even themed sets to represent actual fortresses so if you have the cash you can buy an entire fortress or large section in one foul swoop. I must admit I am very tempted!
Have a look at the big head peice there of the right, it does have a whopping great mould line down the centre though. This might have been done nicer considering how well they are hiding them these days.
Be aware though, that despite the great detail, the Fortress Walls do not have details underneath them in the form of tunnel works. Hopefully this will be part of the lineup for some time.