As we know, White Dwarf can be hit and miss, but if you get it via subscription in the mail or the App, it's an expense you wear because it's your weekly fix and that's that! When you actually have to go out and physically get it, buying White Dwarf takes on a different view... Now usually I go to my local GW which is only 15 minutes walk, so it's annoying if the issue is crappy, but not awful. Well today, my friend, my local GW didn't get their shipment, so I had to do the usual walk, then catch a train, do another walk and then the return trip just to get the White Dwarf - so this issue has higher than normal expectations... but does it deliver? With last week's Chaos release in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, this week it's back to the 'good guys' - Optimus' brother, Celestant-Prime. "Till All Are One!" *dust in my eye* This issue also sees the launch of the Citadel Air range that has been HAMMERED online for the price. Personally I think it's try before you buy, so will reserve judgement. + + More After The Jump + + |

The Celestant-Prime miniature itself is around the same size as his bretheren, but mounted atop this vortex or bubblegum and fairy dust (come on, it looks like bubblegum and fairy dust!) add to that these monstrous wings and this is an army centre piece.
I will say though, he does have an air of the Nagash about him - hovering above his ectoplasmic flatulence - and the comparisons don't stop there. The Celestant-Prime is pretty pricey - $134 AUD/ $80 US/ 48 pounds.
So to the rescue comes this new line of Citadel Air paints (I wonder if Apple will sue them for IP infringement - Games Workshop do it all the time after all...). They are meant to match the existing paint, but are thinned to be used easier in an airbrush. Now from experience there is no way i would EVER put metallics through an airbrush, they just don't clean out properly and one day when you're laying down a nice coat of black it will turn out like the Celestant-Prime's fairy dust base!
These look cool, but small pots for airbrushing. Will be interesting to see how far they will go...
The Forge World section highlights Zardu Layak and his bodyguard. I haven't paid attention to this model much as I'm not a fan of his bodyguards at all, but Zardu Layak is an amazing looking model in his modified MKIV plate and pre-Heresy grey colour scheme. This is also the first Space marine model I can think of that is lacking armour - his left forearm is bare and looks really cool! Instant fan!!
Well done to Forge World, BTW, for this simple but well constructed picture. More like this please...
This is a really cool looking board and has lots of nice details.
It's really just a dude with a Nagash-style base and a fancy backpack. In reality you could probably kit-bash one with bits off eBay for a lot less and have a lot more fun!
I know I've been critical of the high prices of the Age of Sigmar products, and I think fairly - especially compared to the existing Warhammer products - but the release of this miniature just proved to me that Warhammer Age of Sigmar is not for me, despite buying the game, despite all the excitement of a brand new world and the prospect of new miniatures and new allegiances.
Sadly, for me, it's time to say "Goodbye Age of Sigmar"...
1) The small amount written & shown about Citadel Air. No test models shown, no Paint Splatter, no tutorial.
Very odd for a brand new product one week out from release, especially since they are discontinuing paint stock to get this into stores...
2) The continued repetition about Stormcast Eternals. PEOPLE WILL GET BORED! These aren't Space Marine Chapters we all know and love (except Ultramarines - they can get nicked). These are new highly-priced models that just don't have the market penetration of Space Marines and to harp on about them every week is not necessarily going to endear them to people. Saturation point, GW! Here's an idea, why don't you do a Space marine Chapter every week - double page spread with history and iconography on one side, and some models on the other. Pump up those sales and give people what they want...
3) It lacks heart. There's no love put into this issue. Apart from the Golden Demon entry this seems like sausage machine-style hobby. Nothing to get excited about.
As I said at the start, this issue had to be travelled for and frankly if I hadn't also got Lord of the Fries while I was out - I would be quite unhappy.
This issue is boring - pick up a pot of Citadel Air next week instead...