Now I know that question in the title seems a bit odd, but this is the first real Stormcast release that hasn't occupied the whole issue. With the standard bearer and musician being (supposedly) the final part of the Stormcast force, you would think a lengthy article on how a retinue works, the personalities in play, a Paint Splatter repeating everything we have seen in that last month or so would all be in there - nope! Maybe GW has seen that people are getting a little bored with this single vision - that and the inclusion in this week's issue of an awesome Aelven/ Undead army. The ability to mix armies and change the traditional Race/ Faction structure was what I heard most people being excited about when Age of Sigmar was launched - not weeks and weeks of buff C-3POs! Now as far as the issue goes - this is one of the best balances issues in quite some time. I'll hand it to White Dwarf, they stepped up to the plate on this one. + + More After The Jump + + |
Both of these miniatures are great - they are dynamic and interesting... and pretty much single pose!
Looking at the sprues on the Games Workshop site, you would think that would would get more for the premium price, $42-$50 per model. So flexibility in modelling options would also be nice.
Also in the mix is Eidolon from the guys and gals at Forge World. Eidolon is a familiar name to readers of the Horus Heresy novels so having a miniature of him is indeed very cool!. Great detail on this guy too.
In the book world, Iron Devil audio drama sees Imperial Guard clashing with Orks - not really a fair fight!
One of the things that really sticks out in this force are the interesting colour schemes. Not unlike the white Dark Elf we worked on a little while back, this sees Dark Elves and Witch Elves in unusual colour schemes for the run of the mill. The High Elf hybrid scheme on the Dark Elves (below left) looks amazing and the Witch Elves (below right) are just so so cool! Look out for other hybrid units in his force too.
As far as issues go, this is a good one. Lots to read and not to sales-y!