... well the pun had to be made, especially after what seems like 12 months of Age of Sigmar releases that alternate between the Stormcast and Khorne - gold and red are getting a massive run at the moment! This week's White Dwarf has not only two new Khorne miniatures, but also a 'codex' of sorts centering on the human followers of Khorne, "Khorne Bloodbound". With rumours surrounding the upcoming October release of new Tau miniatures, there is also the first official look at the absolutely enormous Forge World KX139 Ta'unar Supremacy Armour, it's scale more like a titan than an Imperial Knight and probably in line with other massive Tau releases from Forge World like the Manta, Tiger Shark and Barracuda. It's not like the Tau are afraid to go big, we just don't see it as much. Also this week are a few books, one of which takes a really interesting spin on the Word Bearers as they hunt down the perennially boring Ultramarines! So is this week's issue any good? + + More After The Jump + + |
The Slaughtpriest is a great looking model, is certainly a fair bit bigger than his compatriots and less squat than the recent Khrone releases which are becoming so out of proportion they almost look like Dwarves.
The Skullgrinder could have come out of any of the recent plastic boxed sets and carries on that squat, wide almost cartoony look. I'm not even going to mention the price for risk of sounding like a broken record.
There is of course a deluxe version, which for all intents and purposes comes with a poster! Wooo!!
Meanwhile, something that might be worth the rainforest it came from would be "The Purge" novel looking at the extermination of the Ultramarines by the Word Bearers - it seems that not all followed quite so blindly. This sounds quite cool, and I may pick it up next week! The other novel next week is "Sons of Titan" which collects four Grey Knights stories.
There's also an Age of Sigmar audio drama with "The Prisoner of the Black Sun".
As far as value, this issue is okay - certainly don't reject it - but it's not compulsory.