I have to say, a return to Age of Sigmar does not fill me with excitement. As we have previosuly discussed, Games Workshop's flawed release schedule, market saturation, sloppy handling of the universe and incredible price range have hampered what should have been a really a great relaunch. Today's White Dwarf is, although not wholly, certainly very strongly focused on one miniature; Archaon Everchosen! Don't get me wrong, he is an amazing miniature, truly epic and a project for any painter, but is he interesting enough to carry a whole issue? One would think so... Also in this issue, the Levbiathan Pattern Dreanought makes an appearance, gets bullied by the other Dreadnoughts and goes home, a sneak peak at Visions #23, an extensive Paint Splatter and some very nice models in Parade Ground. + + More After The Jump + + |
This model is HUGE - fitting for a character that should instill much fear on the battlefield.
Archaon's steed, Dorghar (obviously a Klingon in a former life) has three heads "each one the image of one of the Champions of the Chaos Gods sent to slay Archaon".
Now excuse me, but again - WHERE IS SLAANESH? Chaos God of pleasure and naughty bits?
Hmmmm, well maybe under that breast plate of Dorghar he has breasts?! The old Slaanesh minis did!
+ You'll never look at this model without seeing breasts under that armour will you? + >:D
It's set in the 32nd millenium and will apparently add layers to the history of the universe.
I'm actually vaguely tempted by this I might say...
There's also a sneak peak of Warhammer Visions & the super-expensive releases from this week!
The Archaon material is well written as far as that goes, but it's not a necessary purchase.
White Dwarf vs Pot Of Paint?
Pot Of Paint
Earlier I was lamenting the lack of Slaanesh, but it seems that hidden away in the pre-releases for next week are some Chaos warbands (Khorne, Tzeentch, and Nurgle), including this Slaaneshi one (below)!
Tell you what, if you're building a Chaos army, that Tzeentch one is a real force-builder!