I know it's a bit cheeky, but despite the fact I sound a bit like a broken record, the prices on Age of Sigmar products are amazingly high - thus I'm now calling them: Age Of $igmar!! When a single character can cost almost twice as much as an entire unit or the new Chaos Knights are 4 x the price of the old ones, it's not without foundation - but more on this increasing trend another time! This week's White Dwarf only has one miniature release - but what a lovely release it is; the Gaunt Summoner. Tzeentch is the Chaos God of Sorcery, amongst other things, and the Gaunt Summoners of Tzeentch are powerful beings beholden to Archaon and the Everchosen. Neat fluff! Also in this issue is a new battle plan pitting Archaon against Nagash and the Armies of The Dead, there's some new books, the Horus Heresy readers guide part 2, an awesome Golden Demon tank, and a random 'Eavy Metal. So is this issue worth buying? + + More After The Jump + + |
Now the thing is, we've seen a few characters released over the past weeks with the $50 AUS + price tag - well hold onto your boots, because this guy is $70 AUS! That's more than most current units cost.
Is this a beautiful model? Yes - Would he look great on the battlefield? Yes - Is he worth the price tag? No!
Also in the digital realm, there's digital reads, this time focusing on Space Wolves.
The level of detail on the model we see in the shots earlier in the issue is so SO far above the standard shown in this article you may as well have used a different model.
Using one of the Chaos Battletome: Everchosen battleplans we get a fairly decent battle report.
Pretty sure that's patina not texture...
Granted the pony is a pretty pony, but the pony is an expensive pony so interest has subsided some what!
Pot of Paint vs. White Dwarf
Pot of Paint!