"WAAAAAGH!" the battle cry that spreads fear and panic throughout the Imperium, in fact wider, with the Tau Empire having also felt the raw power brutality of the Orks. White Dwarf this month concentrates on the release of the Orks for 2014. Interestingly Games Workshop seem to be following the same release schedule they did for the Wood Elves; get your big model out first. With the Treeman that was a no-brainer, but with the Gorkanaut/ Morkanaut kit I'm not sure this was the way to go! It will be interesting to see what the community think of this model - because frankly I think it's underwhelming. Boxes of multi-part Orks would have been the release to really interest me, and that's what the rumours say are next. So let's have a look at this week's White Dwarf, which also sees the release of a new spray and a great little piece on Objective Markers. + + More after the Jump + + |
Designer's Notes for the new Ork mechs are okay, but again I think you have to buy into the idea that these look good to really get into this part of the magazine. | Hey look - it's Paint Splatter which does feel like a page filler - which is unfortunate, because over the last couple of weeks it's been better. Not so this week! |
This is what WD did well in the old days, so good to see they keep up the tradition.
Do you like the new Gorkanaut/ Morkanaut kit? = Yes
Are you ambivalent about the new Gorkanaut/ Morkanaut kit? = No
There's really not much to this issue - even the stuff in the back pages is pretty limited.
As far as the look goes, the photography isn't as good as the last few weeks. It seems not as crisp and the detail isn't as clear, which is a shame.
Move on - nothing to see here... until next week when we should have new multi-part Ork kits!