The launch of Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition 2 weeks ago had lead to a flurry of rumours about a boxed set of Orks vs. [insert race here] to coincide with release. It didn't happen. What did happen was some new Ork miniatures. Last week it was the ugliest mech known to man and woman kind - this week it's some new Orks with very big modular guns! Flash Gitz (or Freebooterz really) are the new thing and the amount of work put into them is really quite awesome. White Dwarf spends a lot of time on Orks this week, and certainly the amount of work that went into these miniatures seems to deserve it. There are other things this issue - Jervis Johnson returning to his roots and ripping games systems apart for fun (I mean he really is an uber-nerd in that regard, and good on him frankly!) some Knight vs. Ork mech action and... well actually that's it! + + More after The Jump + + |
I am not a photographer, so expect dodgy pictures below
Orks have never had problems with great little bits of detail and extra gear and the Flash Gitz are no stranger to them either. Have a look at some of the cute extra bitz!
If not, well not really. I do wonder what WHFB players think of White Dwarf. It is very WH40K-centric.
There really could have been more in this issue to be honest; an article abou thow Orks and Tau are mortal enemies (if you ignore that Allies Chart that came out in 7th Edition and pay attention tot he canon of the universe), or maybe a look at a titanic battle between Orks and the Imperium, or Orks on board a Space Hulk smashing through the galaxy. This just felt like an ad to me.