Just when you thought you'd seen all the Orks Games Workshop could throw at you here comes the next releases fresh from the impending WAAAAGH! We get Meganobz, a Big Mek in Mega Armour, 2 x vehicle-based boxes and a Codex supplement - that's actually quite a bit when you look at it and therefore it takes up a fair bit of this week's White Dwarf - but that's not all we get (thankfully). Yes the issue has a lot of Green Skins, but there's also an interview with author David Annandale, Phil Kelly chats about the Night Lords (out of left field, right?), and we get a better look at more of the participants in this year's Armies on Parade as the entrants build their armies. Do you want to know more? + + More after the jump + + |
I am not a photographer, so expect dodgy pictures below
I'm not sure about this very square look for them actually. The arms look great, but it does look to me like these Orks have dressed up in the cardboard box from dad's new fridge and walked out to play knights. Again - maybe it's the yellow!
This is the alternate configuration in the Meganobz kit - but these extra chunky dudes are cool!
Also notice the ad for Warhammer: Visions #6! Looks like they might be stepping the Kitbash section up a notch!
On the left we have a decent hobby article | On the right we have almost the same article as last week.
Sprues and Glue does a pretty decent job of explaining how to turn the generic Ork into an aligned clansman from either the Deathskulls, the Bad Moon Mob, The Goffs, Evil Sunz, Snakebites or the Bloodaxes. We mentioned it last week, and here it is! Finally some diversity in Ork-dom!!