In other releases we have the new warband for Beastgrave –the Grymwatch in nice dynamic poses. There's also themed dice and card sleeves for them too.
Blood Bowl - that seemingly forgotten game - has a new team this week with the Gwaka'moli Crater Gators Lizardmen. Probably less bestial and more Skink-based than people had hoped, these guys are sill pretty cool. There is also a custom Lizardmen Pitch for them to play on, Lizardmen themed dice and a Lizardmen Team Card Pack, as well as the next issue of Spike! Journal centred around them AND, if Made To Order is your thing - then the Blood Bowl Kroxigor returns! Two other interesting Blood Bowl products for next week - the new Head Coach's Rules & Accessories Pack which includes a condensed A5 rules, gaming aids, rosters for every team, and Star Player rules, plus we finally get the Team Card Pack for the Goblins!
Blackstone Fortress has brought us some really great miniatures, and we can now get two of these forces form the most recent incarnation separately, with the awesome Cultists of the Abyss (great price too) and the larger Servants of the Abyss sets on their way. This is all to coincide with the new expert-level Abominable Intellect card pack being released.
In books next week we have a tonne - Siege of Terra Book 2 The Lost and the Damned in hardback, Deathwatch Book 1 Deathwatch and Deathwatch Book 2 Shadowbreaker (interesting timing on this - sort of out of the blue unless this ties into Psychic Awakening), the Requiem Infernal paperback, the new Lords and Tyrants omnibus of 16 short 40K stories, and a book with probably the most gorgeous cover for some time - Neferata: The Dominion of Bones.
We mentioned Requiem Infernal earlier, well right now the Games Workshop Webstore is cleaning out their old collection of Sisters of Battle - all the metals have to go! The plastic ones must be next week or the week after. The holy grail is with us, so if that's your thing, get on board!
The other cool things are two Forge World Dark Angels - the Dark Angels Legion Praetor (with alternate head and shield can be swapped out for a Bolter) and the ominous (and a tad static) Dark Angels Legion Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought.