The Red Gobbo is up for pre-order on the GW site this morning, but interestingly a number of independent retailers had it up last week, so not sure what that's about. It's supposed to be available in store today...
There's more Middle-Earth this week with the new Evil Profile Card Pack, Good Profile Card Pack and Dwarves Profile Card Pack for The Hobbit as well as some Made To Order minis including Mirkwood Elf Captains, Young Thorin, Balin and Dwalin, Thranduil, King of Mirkwood (in all his guises), Legolas Greenleaf and Tauriel, Mirkwood Hunters and Narzug and Fimbul, Hunter Orc Captains.
An interesting one which seems oddly out of place this week, the Warcry Starter Collection has popped up.
In books we have some omnibus' - Myths & Revenants in paperback, the Warhammer Chronicles Thanquol and Boneripper in paperback, and the Blackstone Fortress anthology Vaults of Obsidian in hardback.
It's also time for White Dwarf November 2019. which includes a gallery of kitbashed Inquisitors and their retinues which could interest INQ28 and Blanchitsu hobbyists.